為軟體研發者所設計的工具包, 提供了腦波軟體設計開發套件SDK,提供程式說明及範例程式參考,可依照設計者的需求,設計自己的腦波應用,創造與發表專屬於使用者的腦波應用程式。
包含了驅動器、範例應用程式語言及軟體平台的解說,提供MatLab與腦波相關的應用程式及NeuroView,這是一套可以記錄原始腦波、eSense腦波訊號資料、時間戳記及EEG(EEG Band)資訊的軟體。
■ 程式語言:C、C++、C# (via .Net/Mono)、Java (via JNI)及J2ME、Flash。
■ 軟體平台:個人電腦、平板等。
■ 桌上型電腦需有外接之藍芽接收器;筆電已內建藍芽功能。
■ 限64位元電腦設備與64位元Windows系統(桌上型/筆記型)。
■ 原始腦波數據會以Excel .csv檔輸出,請使用正版Excel。
【Research Tools】
The Research Tools are a cost effective and user-friendly solution for conducting EEG-oriented research.
The Research Tools includes NeuroView and NeuroSkyLab, two specialized applications to study and understand the behaviors o .
NeuroView is designed to be appropriate for novice to intermediate EEG researchers wishing to view and record EEG data in real-time. The recorded data can easily be exported to other third-party applications for downstream data analysis and processing. The recorded data is in a Comma-Separate-Values (CSV) file, and can be opened in programs such as Excel.
Measurements can be taken in:
- Raw signal
- Neuroscience defined EEG power spectrum
- eSense meter for Attention
- eSense meter for Meditation
NeuroSkyLab is targeted towards advanced EEG researchers who are familiar with the MATLAB environment, providing more customization and real-time data viewing and analysis.
公司統編: 53780954
客服電話: 04-24865877
傳真電話: 04-24865878
電子信箱: service@brain-sh.tw
FB粉絲團: 腦波補給站-勝宏精密科技
【研究開發套件Research Tools】軟體開發 程式設計 SDK 範例 腦波 學術 研究 C++ JAVA 開發